Last weekend Papa and Sharon came to visit again. My Aunt Linda, his sister, turned 60 on October 14th. In addition to coming to visit Caleb, my daddy surprised his older sister by coming into town to celebrate with her. He along with his brother and 4 sisters were all at dinner for the big Happy Birthday surprise.
Caleb showing his belly off at dinner!
Papa, Sharon, and Caleb. Papa is such a proud Grandpa. It makes me so happy to know that Caleb has so many people in his life that love him so much.
Along with his first black eye, Caleb is learning so fast. I can't even begin to tell all the things he can do. It seems like everyday he can do or say something new. It is absolutely amazing. I wish I could push the pause button so I can take it all in and enjoy everything he is learning. I know all moms say this, but he is so smart.
Alex and I celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary on October 20th. We have been together for 12 years and married for 4. Talk about how time flies. I thank God everyday that he put such a great man in my life. We actually got to go on a date on Friday. A dear friend of mine with her daughter came to babysit. She text me around 8pm and told me Caleb was in bed. I was shocked!! Well, we get home a little after 9:30pm and he is up all smiles. I guess he had her fooled. She did say that she would babysit once a month for us, so it must not have been so bad. She also commented on how smart he was:)
We finally made it to the pumpkin patch despite all the mud from Saturday's rain. Even with all the mud Caleb had a blast. Here are a couple of pictures of our day at the Big Orange Pumpkin Farm in Celina, TX.
He actually sat still for this picture.
Just like his toy tractor...he loved this.
2ft tall
Posing with him pumpkin like a proud little boy.
Apparently the stranger we asked did not realize Caleb needed to be looking at the camera as well, thanks anyways.
Caleb choosing his pumpkin!