Saturday, October 8, 2011

Timeout and Weekends

I am not sure how young is too young for time out.  This past week Caleb bit another child at school and his teachers put on his form he got time out.  I was a little shocked by this, thinking he was way to young for time out and who was daycare to be putting my baby in time out.  After talking with my calmer, more level headed husband I got over it.  The next day Caleb and I get home and were playing, and he bit me!!  I thought what the heck I'll give this time out thing a shot.  I put him in a "time out" spot, and to my surprise he sat there without a fuss.  When Alex got home later that evening I told Caleb to show Daddy where time out was. He went right back to that spot.  Is this a sign that my son is spending a lot of time in time out at school, or is this a sign he is extremely smart and catches on well????  To be continued......

Again I have to say how much I love the weekends.  Being a working mom, the weekends are a time that I cherish greatly.  Caleb is growing so fast, and I want every extra minute I have to be spent with him and Alex.   We had another busy weekend spent with visiting family from out of town. On Friday night we went to my cousin Andrew's football game and Saturday we were at Burleson Founders Day.  Here is a picture reel to sum it up.....

Caleb LOVES books. This is him at the football game reading a book with my cousin Aaron.  This was one of the sweetest moments ever.  Aaron just loved that Caleb wanted to sit in his lap and read.

Andrew, Aaron's brother, is a freshman at St. Andrew's school in Austin.  He is the starting quarterback on varsity.  We are very proud of him and excited for the bright future he has.   This is Caleb and Andrew after the game at Dallas Episcopal.  Cute, they both have the same hair do:)

Dancing with Daddy at Burleson Founder's Day. Alex had to go work at his Health Source booth so Caleb and I tagged along.

I am sure Caleb would love to have a puppy, but Mommy and Daddy say NO WAY!

His first carnival ride with Aiden.  These were actually death traps because they were so old.  I can't believe that I let him get on it.  I don't think he was too impressed.

This kid loves animals.

This is what he does to Lilly.  A calf might not like it as much:)

Say "cheese" for the cowboys.

Caleb with Jesse.

Time for Rangers and Aggies!!  We hope to go to the pumpkin patch tomorrow.  Stay tuned.......

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