Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Jessica Visits and Zac Brown Band Concert

For lack of time, seeing as I am blogging in the middle of the week, I am going to keep this post limited to mostly pictures.  That is what we all like anyways.  Who wants to hear me ramble on and on. 

My very best friend from college, Jessica, came over to visit with her nephew, Jayden 9 months, Mom, and Grandma.

I actually got a picture with Jayden.  He did not like me very much:(  He was not happy any time I held him or tried to play with him.  I guess I will have to see him more.

Alex and the boys

It was such a nice visit.  Jessica now lives in Houston, so we don't get to see each other as often as we would like. 

This past weekend Alex and I went to the Zac Brown Band concert.  Our friend Sean came down from Kansas along with his sister and some friends.  We had such a blast, to say the least.  I took Caleb to my Aunt Linda's house Saturday afternoon and he spent the night there.  She said he did great!  They snuggled a lot, which makes me so jealous because at his age our snuggling moments are few and far between.  He is always on the go. 

The Girls

The Boys

I love this man so much.

Before the concert

After the concert

Thanksgiving is sneaking up very fast.  Alex, Caleb, and I will be traveling to Austin and Corpus Christi to spend time with loved ones.  I am looking forward to seeing all of our family.  Living here in Dallas as the holidays approach makes me want to be back in Austin so badly. 

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Halloween and 15 Months

This past weekend Kiki (my mom) and Caca (my sister) came to visit.  It is true, Caleb calls Casey, my sister, Caca.  I think it is quite hilarious.  Casey on the other hand doesn't find it so amusing.  I am sure we could teach Caleb how to say Casey, but Caca is so much more fun!  It was a pretty relaxing weekend.  We ordered pizza Friday and watched the Rangers, sigh.  Caleb was thrilled to see them both.  It helped they came with a bag of goodies for him.  Lots of new books his favorite, and a new pair of shoes, his second favorite thing.  For some reason Caleb is fascinated with shoes.  Saturday we had my school carnival and just us girls went out to dinner and grabbed a drink afterwards.  This was so nice.  I can't remember the last time I got to spend girl time with my mama and sister.  I was very sad to see them leave on Sunday.

Aunt Caca reading Caleb his new books
Casey and Caleb at my school carnival

Kiki and Caleb (the cutest puppy ever). Kristen painted his face which stayed neat for about 2 seconds before he had it smeared all over.

On Halloween night we went to a friend's house, had dinner, and went trick or treating to a couple of houses.  Caleb did great!  He even tried to say thank you a couple of times.

Riley, Ethan, Maggie, Caleb, and Jacob

Caleb's first house

Caleb had his 15 month check up this week.  He is growing so fast.  I can't believe that it has been 15 months!!  He is perfectly healthy.  He weighed 27 pounds which puts him in the 88%, he is 32 inches tall which is the 77%, and he is in the whopping 96% for head circumference.  If you have ever met Alex you know where he gets this from.  I guess this is why he is the smartest 15 month old ever:)

My sweet boy getting ready to see the doctor.